For competitive reasons, my clients require confidentiality, so I can’t reveal specifics. Not sure I can help you? Email me with the basics of what you need and I will give you a professional assessment of your situation at no charge. No other provider in this space offers that.

That being said…

I have written, edited, formatted, and developed the titles, sub-titles, cover layouts and text, and listing text for more than a dozen Kindle Direct Publishing physical and ebooks.

I have written, edited, formatted, and developed the titles, sub-titles, and promotional text for more white papers and other magnetic content than I have room to list here.

I have helped six people create and deploy LinkedIn profiles from scratch and get hundreds of first-degree connections within 90 days.

I have helped a medical specialty product manufacturer create an Amazon Seller account, including writing all the sales bullets, that generated the first order within 48 hours and $2000 in sales in the first two weeks.

I have converted the boring, mundane menus of a specialty “historical dining” chef into interesting, compelling stories to generate more bookings.

I have created lead generation websites for a data consultant, 360° photographer, catering business consultant, chiropractic group, cosmetic dentist, luxury real estate broker, criminal defense attorney and many others.