• By purchasing a monthly subscription, you understand and agree that you are obligated for a minimum of three months.
  • If you cancel, your pending connection requests and messages will be deleted as of the last day of your paid-up billing period.
  • If you decide to cancel, you must do so by the 29th day of the third (or subsequent) billing period, which will likely not be the first or last day of a given month. It’s up to you to keep track of your billing dates, as no reminders will be sent. If you don’t cancel, you will be agreeing to continue for another month and no refunds or proration will be permitted.
  • You will have to go back to the tedious, hit-and-miss sending of manual connection requests, and manually following up.
  • And more consequentially, you will lose free Zoom access to me (available with the Done For You option).