• The first step is to create your Ultimate Value Premium Offer™ (UVPO) to use as a lead magnet to motivate your ideal target market to engage with you. This is critical, and it’s what will differentiate you from your competitors. Creating a UVPO “that only a foolish or unqualified person would pass up” is the key to generating leads in [wpdts-year].
  • Once created, you can deploy your UVPO in all your marketing initiatives! This is why a great UVPO is so essential – and so valuable. A great UVPO will break down the invisible wall that separates you from prospects’ attention, engagement and interaction. The E.L.I.T.E. Formula Video and PDF explain the UVPO concept.
  • Note that UVPO development is NOT included with the free trial. I can help you with that for a separate fee that is paid up front and is non-refundable. Why non-refundable? Because once you know how to create a great UVPO, you can’t “unknow” that. Once developed, it can’t be “undeveloped.”
  • UVPO development is critical to all your leadgen activities and you will need one to qualify for the complimentary free trial. This is because if you want to succeed in leadgen of any kind, you must give prospects a compelling reason to pay attention, engage and interact. If you have a strong UVPO, great. If not, you will need one, and I can help you for a separate, one-time fee.
  • When your UVPO is ready, you will officially start your trial by setting up your credit card for billing. Your trial will not start until your credit card details have been entered via my secure Stripe payment gateway and your order is approved. You will be charged $300 in 30 days unless you cancel by the 29th day. If you continue, you agree to a three-month minimum commitment, (four months including the trial), month-to-month thereafter until you cancel.
  • Once your billing is set up, you will send me your LinkedIn login credentials and make sure two-factor authentication is disabled so I can access your profile when needed. Speaking of profiles, I invite you to get my free LinkedIn Magnetic Profile Blueprint to make sure your profile is ready for a lead generation campaign. (95% of LI profiles need to be upgraded. I can help you with that for a separate fee.)
  • Based on your completed E.L.I.T.E. Formula PDF, I will generate a list from inside your LinkedIn profile using your Sales Navigator Core account and save it to an Excel spreadsheet that I will email you to sift and sort. Typically, a list of prospects is reduced by 30-60% because Sales Navigator data is only as good as what people put on their profiles. You then select 300-500 for the first month’s campaign. The rest are used for subsequent months. When the initial list has cycled, I load more leads.
  • In conjunction with that, we create a sequence of pre-steps and short messages that will go out automatically at specified intervals. I will create a suggested sequence that you will edit as needed and approve. Unlike other LI leadgen apps, the LeadOMatic System does pre-steps, such as profile viewing, following, and endorsing prior to making a connect request. Pre-steps are important, because they “warm up” prospects with positive actions and set the stage for your connect request. By the way, this is all done automatically by the LeadOMatic software.
  • Personal follow-up is the key. If you do it daily, you will succeed. If you don’t, you won’t. Fortunately, you will get your own LeadOMatic dashboard to monitor the progress of your campaign(s) and respond to replies from your prospects directly from your dashboard. This is huge! No more cumbersome scrolling through your messages in the LinkedIn message window! You can see who has responded and tag them for follow-up right in your dashboard. This will save you time and help keep you organized.
  • As soon as possible after your billing is set up (ideally the same day), you will need to be handy to send me an authorization code from LinkedIn so I can integrate the LeadOMatic System with your LinkedIn account. This usually takes under five minutes but MUST be done to launch your campaign. The best way to do this is via text message. When the time comes I will send you my cell #.