Optional LinkedIn Profile Tune-Up

  • Let me be blunt. Most LinkedIn profiles are lame and lack the key elements needed to engage qualified prospects long enough for them to take positive action.
  • If your profile doesn’t contain the right elements, LinkedIn will penalize you.
  • Therefore, your profile MUST be “built out” before you start a leadgen campaign. Otherwise you will be wasting your time and money.
  • Twice a month I offer a $299 LinkedIn Profile Tune-Up as an optional bonus to the first three people who invest in a Branding and Positioning Zoom “Super Session.”
  • If you’re seeing this, it means that a complimentary LinkedIn Profile Tune-Up is available. If you invest in a Branding and Positioning Zoom “Super Session” before [wp-dt-custom format=”F j, Y” months=”0″ days=”+3″], I can drill-down on your profile after our session and give you specific suggestions to make it better at no extra charge.
  • If you opt for the tune-up, your Branding and Positioning Zoom “Super Session” purchase will be final and no refund or payment for your time will be available.
  • This is because once I complete your tune-up, we will set up another Zoom session to discuss it. After that session, I will email you a tune-up recap that tells you exactly what to do. Once you know the details, you can’t “unknow” them. So if you want the tune-up, you must agree to waive your right to a refund or time payment on the first Zoom call that will be recorded.