• Your results will depend on (1) how well you define your ideal target market; (2) the nature of what you sell and how effective it is at solving an urgent, expensive problem your target market has; and (3) the suitability and appeal of your “Ultimate Value Premium Offer™” (UVPO) to that target market.
  • The better you can define your audience (especially on LinkedIn) and the better what you sell solves that urgent, expensive problem and, the more suitable and appealing your “Ultimate Value Premium Offer” is, the more successful you will be.
  • The LeadOMatic System will start dialogs with people who have raised their hands with a preliminary “Yes!” to what you offer. We have a 10-30% success rate at doing this, meaning, for every 100 people you reach out to, it’s likely that 10-30 will raise their hands. It’s then up to you to move the process forward by responding personally to people who seem like they are serious. You would stop the message sequence for those people in your LeadOMatic dashboard when this is the case.
  • Speaking of results, my “I pay you if you’re not happy” one-hour Zoom consultation guarantee promises a minumim 2:1 ROI or I will refund your money and pay you for an hour of your time at your going rate, whatever that is. No other consultant in the world offers this… they’re afraid to! Click here to learn more.