The terms “slogan” and “tagline” are often used interchangeably in the context of branding for small to medium B2B enterprises (SMEs), but they do have distinct nuances:


Purpose: A slogan is generally used to capture the essence of a company’s mission, values, or brand. It’s a short, memorable phrase that’s often part of a specific marketing campaign.

Duration: Slogans can be temporary and may change with different marketing campaigns or product launches.

Examples: Slogans are often more detailed and specific to what the company is promoting at the time. For example, a B2B technology company might use a slogan like “Innovating for a Smarter Tomorrow” for a campaign focused on new tech solutions.


Purpose: A tagline is a concise phrase that communicates the overarching brand message. It encapsulates the brand’s identity, values, and unique selling proposition.

Duration: Taglines are generally more permanent than slogans and are used consistently across all company branding and marketing materials.

Examples: A tagline for the same B2B technology company might be “Empowering Business Innovation,” reflecting its long-term commitment to providing innovative solutions to businesses.

In summary, while both slogans and taglines are critical to SME branding, a slogan is typically campaign-specific and can change frequently, whereas a tagline is a more enduring statement of the company’s overall brand identity.