Nick Nichols’ Talent Stack

These nine distinct, well-developed skill sets are displayed – not to try to impress you (well, maybe a little – 😎) but to impress upon you that Nick has a diverse, well-rounded background that you won’t find anywhere else. Nick doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk. What this means to you is, when you hire Nick to help you stop struggling and start making more money, you can be certain that Nick will deliver results, as he has been doing for clients like you since 1996. Unlike ordinary consultants, Nick actually does or has done what he teaches. No theory. No fluff. No bull. Skeptical? See Nick’s “World-Famous $1000 Challenge” below.

  • B2B Content Creator · Specializes in developing unique, compelling content that converts prospects into high-value clients and drives sustainable revenue using listening, brainstorming, creating and implementing.
  • Strategic Thinker with Unique Concepts: · Pioneer of the HUMA concept (Hidden and Underused Marketing Assets) since 1995, I’ve guided numerous professionals in maximizing their marketing potential without added costs.
  • Published Marketing Expert: · Author of over a dozen influential marketing books, I’ve also mentored aspiring authors from conception to successful book promotion.Learn more…
  • Audio/Video Mastermind: · Seasoned voice artist, audio producer, and Certified Camtasia Studio® Video Producer.. Whether it’s captivating podcasts, narrations, or expertly edited videos, I know how to make your content stand out.
  • Acclaimed Speaker: · Delivered 100+ presentations ranging from intimate strategy sessions to large keynotes. As a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) – an honor only 1% achieve globally – I ensure every speech is actionable and memorable.
  • The USPology® Trailblazer: · As the World’s First USPologist™, I specialize in crafting laser-focused Unique Selling Propositions (DUSPs) and magical sales copy that turns prospects into buyers. Discover the power of USPology® with me.
  • Marketing Virtuoso: · With over 25 years of real-world marketing expertise, my strategies aren’t based on theory but on time-tested, proven methods tailored for today’s dynamic markets.
  • Joint Venture Orchestrator: · Unlock scalable revenue opportunities with my knack for identifying and fostering profitable joint venture partnerships, a strategy overlooked by many but highly beneficial.
  • Web Design & Analysis Expert: · Not just another marketing guru. I’m the hands-on designer, programmer, and copywriter behind my high-performing WordPress websites, ensuring efficacy and speed in every digital project.

Soft Skills Highlight:

  • At my core, I’m a passionate teacher, committed problem-solver, and meticulous communicator. With a penchant for initiative and a genuine desire to elevate others, every project I undertake is fueled by curiosity, positivity, and a deep sense of pride in delivering excellence.

If you want to get actionable strategies and tactics that will increase your revenues and profits and reduce your marketing expenses, you are invited to get unlimited annual business coaching from Nick.

Nick’s World-Famous $1000 Challenge:

If you can find anyone, anywhere who can top Nick’s unique talent stack as listed above, he will pay you $1000 cash. He’s had this challenge since 1996 and has never had to pay out a penny. Could that be because it can’t be done? Read what Nick offers and ask yourself, “Am I likely to find someone better qualified to speak to my group or help grow my business?” The answer, of course, is no. Go ahead. See how Nick can make you a star.

Nick Nichols Speaker

Nick’s Favorite Quotation:

“Little people with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes that would jar their little worlds.” – Zig Ziglar

USPology and USPologist are trademarks of Nick Nichols.